2008年8月17日 星期日

Be prepared

“Be prepared”, Dr. Peter said, when you lay down with your heartbroken skinny body in front of him this morning. We have heard this sentence from Dr. Peter for four or five times, sometimes it did happen, but most of the time it won’t.

For you, our beloved Brown-Brown, we know you are weak but strong in mind. We know you are doing best for staying with us, for seeing your kids grow up. The battle between this tough girl and fatal virus has undergone for years. The battle will end soon? Yes, it near but for sure not yet.

Brown-Brown, being the nicest, sweetest, most clam, charm and beautiful girl in the house, you deserve for most of our love. We promise, we won’t put you into sleep. We promise won’t bring you for any operation or surgery which bring you uncomforted. We will stand beside you, support you, cheer you, and comfort you. Just like what we did for years.

Be prepared? Yes we do. We have prepared tones of nice food for you. We prepared big smile, big kiss and big hug for you at every minute. Just enjoy the days.

  『要有準備』Dr. Peter看著瘦骨嶙峋的妳這樣說.這句話出自他口己不下四五次.有時如他所說的發生,但很多時都沒有成真.




Added by Oscar

When the animal communicator said you like fresh made food, I started giving you homemade meat paste using a needle. You are always that lady and gentle to me, even when I forced you to eat. The more I need to take care of you, the more I can't let you go. I have prepared to see the sunshine face and big brown eyes of you.  All the cats and dogs in the house would support you to fight on.

當 動物通心員告訴我們你喜歡吃新鮮的食物時我便開始為你做新鮮的肉醬,並因為你不肯主動的吃我每天幾次用針筒餵你,可是你卻依然的淑女,沒有以暴易暴。越是 要照顧你,越捨不得你,我已有準備,要再見你滿面陽光和有神的大啡眼腈,你要知道,全家的貓貓狗狗都站在你這邊跟你努力。

