2009年8月6日 星期四


Ming Ming Sa Sa 次毛 福星都到平安飛抵汶萊, 是時候豬仔渡假屋應該光榮結業啦。
MingMing, SaSa, Kinch and FukSing have arrived Brunei safely, it's time for us to close Chu-Chai Holiday House.

This is their house in Brunei.

Environment of the quarantine center is nice.

Ming Ming Sa Sa在豬仔家渡過了三個星期,快樂與否要問問他們才會知道,不過無論怎樣,小朋友一定是回到爸媽身邊最安心。隨著Ming-Sa的離開,豬仔家又回復往昔的寧靜。回到家裡亦不會出現三個小朋友(MING SA 二妹)又叫又跳撲搖尾扭腰爭著撲上來跟你親咀的場面。
Ming-sa have spent three weeks here. I don't know they are happy or not, you've better ask them. Of course, we all know living with their dearest daddy and mami would be the best. Chu-Chai home is finally back to it's own quite. The screen of three dogs together, barking for hug,  wagging tail, jumping for licking your face will not appear anymore.

有小朋友讓你親親,其實也不是白白得來的,當中也有不少付出。花園由堆滿雜物,豬仔爸在一星期內清理了還在四邊加建圍欄。炎夏裡每天兩三次分三批帶小朋友出外散步﹝還未計碰上鄰居和舊鄰居協助放狗的要求﹞,照顧一家大小起居飲食。豬仔媽出入境要用的文件由一 無所知,逐個網頁翻查電郵電話查詢,到今天閉著眼亦可打出整篇撮要出來。家中多住幾口及小朋友坐飛機要用的物品購買格價到試用。機位確認,厚著面向老闆請 假等等‧‧‧這些只是當中比較具體的例子。
There is no free lunch after all.  In order to have the kids around us, we need to pay for it.  It is not possible to list all that are needed these days.  Here are just a few of them: to set-up a dog safe garden from a messy one within a week; to walk dogs in groups twice or three times a day in such a hot summer; to prepare import/export document that few people in Hong Kong have experience; to test, to order and to compare the accessories needed for the flight; to reserve for air cargo; and not to mention to apply for causal leave.   

You may wonder why we put such a big effort for doing these for them. There should be something behind that push us to do so.

Today, I ask Oscar why he take this responsibility with nearly no hesitation. We've found we are sharing the same thought.

去外地渡假要找地方安置貓狗,香港寵物酒店多的是;移民要寄運貓狗,只要付得起錢,大量pet travel agency可以代勞,又要寄養一個時期又要托運,大抵也不難,幹嗎這麼辛勞負起這個不小的責任呢?
Pet hotels are so common in Hong Kong that it should have no difficulties in finding a suitable one when one need to go for a holiday while leaving their pets behind.  Pet travel may not be so common here but when you are willing to pay, there are a few agencies willing to help.  Even when need two such services in a row as in Ming Ma's case should not be something impossible here.  So, what is the reason behind for us to put this burden onto our shoulder?

Frankly speaking, the reason is simple.  We just hope to share the responsibility in order to share the love in it.

Ming Ming, Sa Sa你們是好福氣的小朋友,你們的媽媽對你們有著一生的承諾。你們的媽媽沒有像其他人為了改善居住環境而放棄你們,剛剛相反,為了你們而遷到更合適的居所;你們的媽媽沒有像其他人一樣因為家中添了小嬰兒而放棄你們,相反,她讓你們陪著Caelen成長;你們的媽媽沒有因為移居外地而放棄你們,相反,她為那裡將有一片大草地而誓要帶你們同行;正正因為有這樣的愛,才感動了我們,希望籍分擔其中的工作去分享這份愛。
We do feel Ming Ming and Sa Sa are among the luckiest kids as we see a life long promise and love there.  Ming Ma would rather move to a pet friendly house for the dogs while others may give up their pets in order to move to a better house.  Ming Ma would let her little Caelen share his growing up with Ming Sa while others would send their pets away once they've found they are pregnant.  Ming Ma would dream and fright for taking them with their two years job trip to enjoy the wide open area while others would just leave their pets helpless in Hong Kong once they are thinking of migrating to other country.  We think that it is the love between them that moves us.  To share the responsibility in order to share the love.

Thus, we close our Chu-chai Holiday Hose in order to make rooms for more people with ability and heart to share the responsibility in order to share the love.  We truly believe the love we see between Ming Ma and Ming Sa is not alone.  Only when love can be shared will this world be more lovely.

35 則留言:

  1. Well Done !!!! I might need your help in the furture. [版主回覆08/07/2009 10:48:00]帶banjo回鄉探親, 用得著我既就出聲啦

  2. (Empty) [版主回覆08/07/2009 11:40:00](Empty)

  3. 嘩... 好高深... 咁我要你幫忙的話... 你哋可以開業嗎? [版主回覆08/07/2009 11:41:00]有幾深呀. 你就梗係唔得啦, 如果係AB就或者可以諗下既.

  4. 你地的熱心熱情熱愛,令人好感動。   [版主回覆08/07/2009 14:25:00]有幾滾動呀, 你當日誓保肥波既行動夠令我地敬佩啦.

  5. 最開心係佢o地又可以返返主人身邊。 大家肯為動物付出,實在係太可讚了。 [版主回覆08/07/2009 14:25:00]知就好啦, 咪鬼成日買咁多野, 留返D錢黎做公益好過啦.

  6. 一句~~偉大! [版主回覆08/07/2009 14:26:00]係呀, 我由始至終都覺得明媽好偉大架.

  7. 掌聲鼓勵! 你地一家, ming ming & sasa爸媽一家都好有愛心, 值得我地學習呀! [版主回覆08/07/2009 14:28:00]都係舉手之勞, 不過大家互相幫忙依個世界就會更加可愛.

  8. 抵讚! [版主回覆08/07/2009 14:28:00]咁叫BAGEL同SOPHIE錫啖做奬品得唔得呀.

  9. 抽水ee, 睇到呢篇真係好感動, Ming Ming, Sa Sa , 次毛 同福星既 Ma Ma 同 Ba Ba 真係好偉大, 至於你同你先生更加唔需要多講, 抽水ee 我要向你同你先生致敬! [版主回覆08/07/2009 16:03:00]唔好攪錯主角, 依篇blog係用黎讚明媽同daddad架.

  10. ,冇得頂,多多鼓掌都有 [版主回覆08/07/2009 16:03:00]個個都讚得係你唔讚得, 因為我地受唔起, 我地都係跟你學野架咋. 當年我地同豬仔去加拿大玩, 真係多得你唔少呀, 感激一生沒齒難忘, 絕無半點誇張. 都話架啦你幫下我我幫下你, 依個世界幾可愛.

  11. 本來係我一家人o既事,多得有你o地幫忙先可以成事。我係佢o地媽媽,我愛佢o地,為佢o地付出好應份。而你兩的投入,我都吾知點感謝...、ming ming ,sa sa,都好幸運有你這位EE呢!大家給你們的掌聲是你們應得的。而我都希望每人都有著呢一份愛。愛你們的寵物一輩子! [版主回覆08/07/2009 16:29:00]而我都希望每人都有著呢一份愛。愛你們的寵物一輩子! 你依句就係重點, 我地都係因為被你對佢地既愛所感動, 所以幫下忙即. 我有得密集式抽ming-sa水, 都不知幾爽...

  12. 厚著面向老闆請假等等‧‧‧   我覺得成篇最搞笑同最認真就係呢句 ! 其實我都好開心能夠認識到咁有義氣嘅豬仔爸同豬仔媽  你哋嘅無私付出真係令我好感動呀 !! [版主回覆08/07/2009 16:47:00]因為連埋攞 health cert 同送佢地去機場我由星期五到星期三(共六日)都無返廣州廠, 一次過攞三日事假, 仲長過去次日本旅行, 要佢批假我都唔好意思. 好彩我大佬都係愛動物既人, 我索性大佢話如果無人幫佢地咁d貓狗點呀. 佢咪簽law. 後來因為今日另外有私事要留係香港, 我星期一四玩即係來回廣州, 佢就罰我下星期一即日來回台灣.......

  13.  x10 all summers are meaningful to you 2. [版主回覆08/07/2009 21:53:00]唔好浪費個夏天就有意義, 只怕香港有一日無左冬天....

  14. 小鳥的魔衣櫃2009年8月7日 上午8:32

    栗子:  kiss kiss kiss kiss [版主回覆08/09/2009 21:36:00]好野有栗子錫錫.

  15. 當年我地去澳洲半年,每日望住前院就幻想包包芝hi樹會有幾好,行到backyard就諗下如果佢地hi樹就點點點…不過當年據聞隔離要攪好耐,好驚包包隔離期間唔適應…所以當日見到你地帶兩個寶貝去旅行,一時間真係覺得好對包包芝唔住 [版主回覆08/09/2009 21:38:00]咁又唔好怪自己, 當年我地年紀細唔識咁多野, 加上資訊無依家咁發達呀麻. 你當年已經安排左最好既俾包芝啦. 再唔係你第日養多兩隻帶佢地去旅行補數law.

  16. 妖... 學人捉字蟀 [版主回覆08/09/2009 21:38:00]哈, 你第一日識我咩, 你捉我錯字我咪捉你字蝨law

  17. 嘩~ 我比好多好多好多叻你哋呀 ! [版主回覆08/09/2009 21:39:00]我要你班囝囡既香吻喎

  18. 你真係寫得好好呀 , 你不如出本書 , 講下愛小朋友心得呀 , 好有感覺 ! 不過我做唔到 (因 , 有照顧就會有愛 ! 好難放走 ! ) 我係講真架  ! 比多d人知 , 小朋友要唔再同你生活的結果....好會想 [版主回覆08/09/2009 21:40:00]愛小朋友既心得我唔係好多架咋, 抽水技巧就多多都有, 不過係獨門秘笈...哈哈.

  19. 要講既野佢地都講晒,我剩係可以比 [版主回覆08/09/2009 21:40:00]做咩今日唔叫黑黑麗麗俾香吻我唧.

  20. 一個盡責既主人.一個很有義氣既朋友.好難得.好佩服. [版主回覆08/09/2009 21:41:00]都係跟你學習唧

  21.  齊鼓掌 [版主回覆08/09/2009 21:41:00]釘橋.

  22. (Empty) [版主回覆08/09/2009 21:41:00](Empty)

  23. 阿貓士多Meow Store2009年8月8日 清晨5:11

    一間支持動物福利的士多- 阿貓士多開左啦~喵 快d o黎睇下啦~ 有動物分享分章~ 有手工製作 愛貓愛狗用品, 好似貓狗餐枱仔, 貓仔狗仔領巾 (超型超可愛), 狗仔衫, 你的愛貓愛狗吊飾, 鎖匙扣, 電話繩.......全部手工製作, 香港獨一無二, 街邊寵物店冇o架! 仲有貓貓狗狗用品~ 而家買貓狗餐枱既首5名, 仲送愛護動物協會2009慈善中秋月餅1個~ SPCA既月餅收益係會作動物福利用途o架!~支持下啦~喵~ [版主回覆08/09/2009 21:41:00](Empty)

  24. (Empty) [版主回覆08/09/2009 21:41:00](Empty)

  25.  Well done [版主回覆08/09/2009 21:42:00]釘橋, gogo今日錫左我啦.

  26. 喂, 奶奶叫我同你講, 好多謝你同OSCAR照顧佢D孫, 佢見到你為佢o地做的, 感動到想喊呀! 仲有, 有得睇英文, 佢好開心呀! [版主回覆08/09/2009 21:35:00]你同你奶奶講唔好客氣啦, 都係佢教子有方教個咁好既仔(daddad)出黎, 咁佢d 孫咁幸福有咁錫佢既daddy mami, 篇野係你睇到中文之前寫落所以有英文....之後我會懶架啦. 搵定個好d既翻譯器俾你奶奶用啦....

  27. 總算可以放心, 做得好好 [版主回覆08/14/2009 09:53:00]放心lu

  28. 十分佩服 .......好多人連自己的狗都不會帶走, 當垃圾咁掉, 你就連別人的狗狗都大愛付出....佩服 佩服 佩服 佩服 佩服 [版主回覆08/14/2009 09:54:00]我地都係照顧佢幾個星期之麻, 佢地媽咪daddy對佢地就係一世既承諾呀.

  29. 仲咩唔update呀? [版主回覆08/14/2009 09:54:00]唔使做呀...

  30. 你地真係好好人呢,大家都係抱住一顆愛心,義不容辭去做,勁呀你地 [版主回覆08/14/2009 09:54:00]有幾勁呀, 你都可以架....

  31. 以你們為榮~豬仔家~ [版主回覆08/14/2009 09:55:00]我好掛住魔魔同dumbo呀...

  32. There're lots of thoughts going on around me these days. In fact, I didn't regret for not taking Katy with me while I was away in Canada last year. But I did feel regret for making that trip as it's just a home visit but not a necessarily must trip. Despite Katy was with mom, a person whom she have 100% trust, I could tell she felt absolutley lonely and frightened while I was not around. In the last few days of my trip, Katy ignored mom's command and was pulling her hard to the car park only to find I was not there to pick her up and drive her home! It broke my heart when I learned this from the long distance call in one good morning.    Afterwards, I swear I'll never leave her for any reason unless it's absolutely mandatory!   When it comes to planning your pets to leave a place for good, it's not about how much you could afford. It's all about safety and peace of mind, involving the pre-trip care, on the plane and landing the new place. I believe most of the pet's travel agencies do provide excellent service to ensure a good fly with sufficient documentation. But the pre-trip care is not something that we can take it for granted. A good sleep throughout the journey depends on how thoughtful the preparation is, from the last thing to eat and do, the transportation and finally the crate time. In fact, this is something that worries me most when I discuss my next job assignment with HR.    It touches my heart when I read the line 'sharing the love by sharing the responsibility' . Olive and Oscar, I salute to your kindness and commitment to virtually all kinds of lives on earth, in particulary the human's best friends ever! [版主回覆08/14/2009 09:55:00]你要出國?

  33. 你講既野太深澳太偉大,當中既感想/感受並唔係我尼d咁膚淺既闊太能明白......不過我真係好好好欣賞你2公婆幫助別人既心 [版主回覆08/14/2009 09:57:00]你梗係唔明我地d咁膚淺既野啦, 因為你係高人呀麻, 你年終都不知救返/教好/暫養幾多狗....真係多得你唔少呀濶太.

  34. 好多嘢已經比人講晒喇! ming 爸媽故之然要讚喇, 係咁嘅經濟環境, 你都肯犧牲 d 假同人情去幫人, 就更加唔話得, 雖然我唔知幾時要你幫, 但我知道, 有需要時, 你兩位一定會盡力的 , 識到你真係好。 [版主回覆08/14/2009 09:57:00]如果bebi有牙痕既需要我幫佢唔到架喎

  35. 一路都有睇開你地嘅update, 你地兩個family都令我深深感受到"愛",不得不為你地故掌 [版主回覆08/14/2009 09:58:00]愛人如己呀麻.
