2009年8月2日 星期日

豬仔渡假屋---坐飛機做足準備 (preparation for the flight)

抽水EE : MING MING, 你地就快要坐飛機啦喎, 仲唔準備下執下行李.
MING : 抽水EE你唔係唔知我係少爺仔呀, 執行李理所當然有人代勞.
Auntie Chow-Shui : MING, it's time to prep your luggage.
MING : Well...pls do it for me....

SASA : 搭飛機係咪要磅重架, 我會唔會超重唔俾上機架.
抽水EE : 你知驚呢咩, 唔係我使乜拉你減肥呀.
SASA : 但係聽講我地坐飛機係計個飛機籠既DIMENSION WEIGHT架喎.
抽水EE : 乜定下D細路咁精靈架.
SA : Will i be rejected due to overweight?
Auntie Chow-Shui : That's y i ask u 2 keep fit fr day 1
SA : Actually, they will charge us by the dimension weight, no worry.
Auntie Chow-Shui : : how come the kids nowadays ar so smart.

之唔係背面有無通風. 左下角既係外國製貴價合符 IATA要求, 國際航線要有四面通風. 而右方同右上角既就係平價國產飛機籠, 差少少, 但係個差價實在太大, 所以 就DIY係背面開窿, 完成左就好似右上角果個甘.
Follow the command by Ming, i hv 2 start the preparation work.
according to the regulation of IATA, kennel should hv 4 side ventilation for international flight. The kennel at RHS is made in China selling in attractive price. DIY, drill the holes at the back.

上次豬仔坐飛機之前已經特登買左個特別鑽咀, 用黎開D咁既窿窿.
Special drill has been bought last time when Chu-Chai go travel. Holes in gd shap and size.

除左開窿, 仲要檢查下每粒鏍絲係咪狀態良好. 記住 IATA只係接受用鏍絲固定上下籠結構既設計.
Each screw has to be checked. IATA only accept the kennel assumble by screw n nut.

之後就要準備掛係個籠門既野, 要有寄件人收件人同狗隻既資料. 依個係貓貓既飛機籠門, 到時會有兩隻貓入一個籠, 所以就有兩個門牌啦.
A tag includes shipper, consigee n cat/dog inforation should be fixed at the kennel.
Two cats will be carried by this kennel therefore two tags can be found.

仲有飲水既用品. 要用掛籠既水兜, 同埋飲水器, 先度好位MARK底, 到時先將D水掛上去. 唔係陣間未到機場D水就倒瀉曬...
Driking device location should be marked while the water bottle will be added on right before check in.

當然唔少得掛返個漏斗, 行程水如果兜兜無曬水, D工作人員都有工具可以幫佢地加水.
Funnel should be attaced onto each kennl for the operator to add water for cat/dogs during the jounary.

之後所有水兜就要裝水雪冰. 一來慢慢溶唔使未上到機就倒瀉曬.
Water should be frozen to avoid flow out be4 getting onto the plane.

二來就算MING SA唔識用個飲水器都可以舔個冰樽上面凝結既水.
In case dogs dun know how to use the drinking devices, they still can lick the dew water condensed on the surface.

二來大熱天時, 放多幾支冰係個籠度, 係停機坪度等上機時都有少少涼意呀.
During the mid summer, these ice bottle will hv a little bit cooling effect.

Last step, lay the water absorption pad on the departure day.

攪好個籠仲要攪行李, 每個小朋友都整左個新名牌, 入面有佢地既資料同明媽係當地詳細聯絡方法.
New name tag for each of them. Include Ming-ma's detail local contact and the dog/cat basic information.

之後就準備少少糧同埋裝好佢地既頸帶拖帶, 到時貼係個飛機籠頂跟過去, 到時明媽接狗就乜都齊啦.
Pet food, collar n leash are packed to attaced onto the kennel to make sure everything ready when Ming-ma pick them up.

雖然好似準備好曬咁, 但係個腦仲不停咁問自己有無野漏...
Although everything seems prepared, i still worry something is missed....
more stressful than prepare my own holiday....

仲有, 千祈唔好打風.
And no typhoon pls!!!!

