2008年6月2日 星期一

Importations of Pet Dogs to Canada

Canadian Food Inspection Agency

Importations of Pet Dogs - Section 3

Dogs three (3) months of age or older from countries Canada does not consider to be rabies-free

The information on this page is current as of 2008-6- 3 .

Related Pages: Dogs eight (8) months of age or younger (any country) | Dogs 3 months of age or older (rabies-free countries) | Dogs 3 months of age or older (non rabies-free countries) | Frequently Asked Questions

1) Domestic or pet dogs may enter Canada if accompanied by an original valid rabies vaccination certificate, which is issued by a licensed veterinarian(2), in either English or French and which clearly identifies the dogs and states that they are currently vaccinated against rabies. This certificate should identify the animal as in breed, colour, weight, etc., and indicate the name of the licensed rabies vaccine used (trade name), including serial number and duration of validity (up to three years). Please note that if the duration of validity is not indicated on the certificate, the vaccine will be considered to be valid for one year.

There is no waiting period imposed between the time the animal is vaccinated for rabies and the time the animal is imported into Canada.

  • If the animal arrives at a Canadian port of entry and does not meet the requirements above, an inspector will order the owner-at the owner's expense-to have the animals vaccinated against rabies within a specified period of time and to provide the vaccination certificate to an inspector.
  • Rabies vaccination or certification is not required if the dogs are less than three (3) months of age.

(1) An official government veterinarian is a veterinarian who works for the government veterinary service in the country of origin.

(2) A licensed veterinarian is a veterinarian who is licensed to practice veterinary medicine in the country of origin.

2 則留言:

  1. 不錯不錯,支持樓主~~~ 一天逛小吃街 發現一家賣蛋塔的店 每一種看起都十分美味可口,想買個來試試 我問店員 : 請問這是單賣的嗎? 店員 :不,這是日本的。 隔熱紙 標準舞 美國留學代辦 加拿大留學費用 園藝造景 澳洲留學代辦 英國留學費用 日本留學費用 紐西蘭留學費用 雷射溶脂 日本留學 台中室內設計裝潢 室內設計需求 辦公空間設計 電波拉皮 成長書桌椅 兒童書桌椅 人體工學椅 客家伴手禮 禿頭治療 在職專班 男性結紮 基隆汽車借款 義大利旅遊 網際傳媒 台中搬家 動漫卡通
